Taiwan, 16 ethnic groups of Indigenous people are legally recognized

「Amis clothes」   Taiwan has a population of 23 million. Taiwan is divided into three major ethnic groups. Hoklo people, Hakka people, and indigenous people. Indigenous are people who originally lived in Taiwan. At present, Taiwan 16 ethnic groups of Indigenous people are legally recognized, but there are still many ethnic groups fighting for recognition.… Continue reading Taiwan, 16 ethnic groups of Indigenous people are legally recognized

(五)北歐馴鹿牧人「薩米族」-Talking about Sámi of Northern Europe


(四)被偷走的一代,關於澳洲原住民-Talking about Indigenous people of Australia

今年我參加一個關於世界原住民族的活動,認識許多不同國家的原住民族人,像是北歐的薩米族人、加拿大的原住民、紐西蘭的毛利人、夏威夷的原住民、澳大利亞的原住民等。 This year I am participating in an event about Indigenous peoples in the world. I met with Indigenous people in many different countries, such as the Sami people of Northern Europe, the “Indigenous people of Canada”, the Maori people of New Zealand, “Indigenous of Hawaii”, and “Indigenous people of Australia”, etc. 我們透過深入當地的部落來瞭解當地議題,進行經驗交換。且與世界各地的原住民青年對談,進行文化交流。讓我印象很深刻的是,在青年對談時候,來自澳大利亞的大學生,他告訴我們關於「被偷走的一代the Stolen Generations」政策。… Continue reading (四)被偷走的一代,關於澳洲原住民-Talking about Indigenous people of Australia

(三)彩虹民族【泰雅族】the Peoples of Rainbow【Atayal】-Talking about the Indigenous people living in Taiwan

「彩虹Rainbow」 對許多原住民族而言是很神聖;「橋」在許多民族的想像代表著通往與連續。對「泰雅族Atayal」而言「彩虹橋 Hongu Rutux」就是祖靈橋又稱為「mnanho na aliutux神靈之橋」,只有成為真正的人才能在死後通往彩虹橋遇見祖先。

(二)南島語系Austronesian languages – Talking about the Indigenous people living in Taiwan


「南島民族Austronesian」是什麼?是指大洋洲和東南亞以南島語系為語言的族群。「南島語系Austronesian languages」起源於五千兩百年前,是全球第二語系,南島語系分佈的範圍很廣,東到復活島,西起馬達加斯加,最南邊則到紐西蘭,台灣是南島語系範圍最北的地方。使用南島語系的區域包含菲律賓、海南、馬來西亞、新加坡、印尼、密克羅尼西亞、玻里尼西亞、台灣、夏威夷、紐西蘭等。南島語系有很多種語言,根據世界語言資料庫的數據,南島語言的數目高達一千兩百多種。